Ten Signs your CMMS is Irritating You & Letting You Down

Does your workflow feel more like work than flow?

The solutions deployed to ease the complexities of information gathering and reporting often fall short of HTM industry specific requirements.

Is your maintenance management systems [MMS] as archaic as paper? Is your computerized system [CMMS] a data entry heavy spreadsheet based solution?

If any of these 10 signs resonate with you, you're CMMS is letting you down.

  1. What's a CMMS?

    Computerized Maintenance Management System. It's definitely time for an upgrade.

  2. You're still using paper.

    Paper is great for delivering a hard copy after the data collection process. But, if your technicians are filling in paper forms and office staff are transcribing those forms into your CMMS, you could benefit greatly from an upgrade.

  3. Your scheduling is passive rather than proactive.

    You wait until someone calls you to inspect or repair their equipment.

    You spend an inordinate amount of time searching through last years spreadsheets. See #4

  4. You're juggling Excel® files like a band of drunken monkeys.

    If you're using spreadsheets you know that organizing and sharing records and files is near impossible.

  5. Providing equipment service & inspection history for your customers is like searching for the lost ark.

    Equipment information, location, and service & inspection history are out of date or non existent. see #4

  6. You only provide pass/fail results for inspections and safety tests.

    If a Joint Commission Surveyor showed up at your facility you'd break into a cold sweat.

    If it came to defending your company in court your attorney would lack evidence to support industry compliance.

  7. Your mobile Biomed Technicians are using an app made for plumbers and other general service companies.

    These can sort of work but, only provide general work order information and they obviously lack HTM industry specific requirements.

    Most often these solutions require internet connection which, if you're an outsourced service provider, is seldom stable if even available.

    Your BMETs deserve so much better!

  8. Your critical repair parts and assets inventory is always off.

    Finding parts is an exercise in futility.

    You have no idea where all the parts are going.

    You loose valuable time waiting on ever increasing lead times.

    Usage and purchase predictions are a 'best guess'.

    You lend out Assets but can’t keep up with who has them.

    Your accountant is having a fit about your inventory numbers.

  9. You don't own a barcode scanner.

    See #7

    See #8

  10. It takes a lot of time and frustration to train new staff.

    Is your current solution simple to teach, learn and execute?

    If you lost all of your technicians today, you'd be hard pressed to get new ones trained in a timely manner.

Chris Zulliger

Chris is one of the original developers of the BioMAX™ CMMS software. He also developed all of the BMETapps™ for mobile BMETs. Chris is also a web designer and business development consultant, and marketing resource.


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